First Aid

First Aid in the event of accidents involving poisonous and caustic substances

Which rinsing fluids are suitable for use?

In the event of accidents involving caustic substances, fast and efficient rinsing with a large volume of water is always the first approach that should be adopted. Rinsing fluids should only ever be used when no running water from drinking water lines is available. To this end, a guideline was drawn up in 2006 following discussion with first aid experts at home and abroad, as well as consulting with specialist societies and industrial representatives. This "Requirements of Rinsing Fluids for First Aid" guideline describes the tried and tested standard steps that can be taken and lists the exceptional cases in which pre-packed rinsing fluids may be used. It describes the requirements of rinsing fluids and thereby helps users select the right rinsing fluid. The guideline is subject to continual updates.

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