Hazardous Substances
Hazardous substances and the associated risks for people and the environment play a significant role in the member companies of the BG RCI. Here you can find the information you need to work safely with hazardous substances.
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Current Items
The GDA Hazardous Substance Check

The GDA Hazardous Substance Check is offered to all those who are involved in a company’s occupational health and safety, to help them effectively identify carcinogenic substances in the workplace and implement effective protective measures. It is intended, in particular, for small and medium-sized enterprises, offering a self-assessment tool to anyone taking their first steps towards a risk assessment.
The GDA Hazardous Substance Check is available in the form of a comprehensive online tool and also in compact form as a printed brochure or PDF file. At present, the online tool is available only in German, the form as PDF-brochure is available in English too. Both versions contain all nine components and the corresponding questions.
The English PDF-brochure is available here, the German version of the online tool can be found at https://www.gda-gefahrstoff-check.de
“Nanorama Production” – Safety in manufacturing and processing nanomaterials
The portal is under construction
A new interactive online tool for the safe manufacturing and processing of nanomaterials
“Nanorama”, which is a neologism combining the terms “nano” and “panorama”, is a novel e-learning application that allows users to enter and move around a virtual room. The 360° panorama shows products, materials and occupational situations that may occur when handling nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. The focus is on the use of nanomaterials and the appropriate protective measures that are to be taken in handling them.
“Nanorama Production” is a further new interactive e-learning tool that can be found on the nano-portal “Safe Handling of Nanomaterials”. It provides information on how to manufacture and process nanomaterials safely during production. The 360° panorama allows users to identify activities involving nanomaterials, roughly estimate exposure and correctly apply the appropriate protective measures. :: read on
Nanomaterials at the workplace
A multi-stage approach for determining and evaluating exposure caused by nanoscale aerosols at the workplace is introduced in this article. :: read on
Survey on wash-off efficiency of overhead emergency safety showers
Emergency safety showers fed with water have proven to be useful for fire extinction in case persons have caught fire and for the removal of contaminations with hazardous substances.
Both in laboratories and in many production sites these emergency showers are an established measure. :: read on