Air monitoring methods
English translation of the DGUV Information 213-5xx series “Von den Unfallversicherungsträgern anerkannte Analysenverfahren zur Feststellung der Konzentrationen krebserzeugender, erbgutverändernder oder fortpflanzungsgefährdender Stoffe in der Luft in Arbeitsbereichen” (Air monitoring methods acknowledged by German accident insurance institutions to determine the concentrations of substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic for reproduction in working areas)
Together with the “Arbeitsgruppe Luftanalysen” der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, working group “Analyses of hazardous substances in air” of the German Research Foundation), the “AG Analytik” der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (“Analysis” working group of the German Statutory Accident Insurance (DGUV); responsible: Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical industry (BG RCI)) established a quality assurance concept for the development of monitoring methods. The “AG Analytik” is responsible for compiling the monitoring methods of the DGUV Information 213-5xx series for substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic for reproduction (CMR substances), while the DFG “Arbeitsgruppe Luftanalysen” publishes monitoring methods for the remaining substances.
You can find more information about the “Arbeitsgruppe Luftanalysen” on the DFG website. Since 1999, English translations of the monitoring methods compiled in the DGUV Information 213-5xx series have been issued together with the monitoring methods established by the DFG “Arbeitsgruppe Luftanalysen” in the publications “Analyses of hazardous substances in air” (Vols. 1 – 8) or “Air monitoring methods” (Vols. 9 – 13) of the “MAK Collection for Occupational Health and Safety” as well as online in the Wiley Online Library. From 2020, the release will be published in the ZB MED Publication Portal for Life Sciences. Recent translations are available as downloads.
You can find an overview of the English translations of the monitoring methods of this series including information on method, analytical principle and limit of quantification in the “Overview” section. There is also a link to the Wiley Online Library and to the ZB MED Publication Portal for Life Sciences.
Link to the Website of the DFG Arbeitsgruppe Luftanalysen
DGUV Information 213-5xx: Von den Unfallversicherungsträgern anerkannte Analysenverfahren zur Feststellung der Konzentrationen krebserzeugender, erbgutverändernder oder fortpflanzungsgefährdender Stoffe in der Luft in Arbeitsbereichen
Overview table of applicable and withdrawn air monitoring methods from the series “DGUV Information 213-5xx”
Here you can find an overview of all analytical procedures from this series with information on the quantification limit. Withdrawn procedures, those currently in preparation and the available English translations are also listed.
Download alphabetical list of current and withdrawn analytical procedures.
You can reach the German-language version of the article with a single click on the flag-symbol.