Programme for the Prevention of Health Hazards caused by Industrial Substances
List of substances with information about Toxicological Evaluations and experimental studies
The former BG Chemie (after 2010 its legal successor is BG RCI) has published Toxicological Evaluations for 245 industrial chemicals and has performed 432 experimental studies with 129 phase-in substances within its “Programme for the Prevention of Health Hazards caused by Industrial Substances”.
The sortable list of substances contains information about the published Toxicological Evaluations and studies performed. It provides direct access to the available downloads of Toxicological Evaluations in German as full-length or short version, or in English, as well as to an e-mail request for the printed versions not yet adjusted to the internet. Also, the study reports can be requested here.
To list of substances with information about Toxicological Evaluations and experimental studies >>
Request for a Letter of Access to BG RCI studies for REACH purposes
In order to avoid unnecessary duplication of animal experiments and costs, BG RCI makes available the full study reports of the 432 toxicological experiments performed within its “Programme for the Prevention of Health Hazards caused by Industrial Substances”, to its Member Companies without any costs. Non-member companies receive the right to use the data for a contribution towards administrative costs.
Request for a Letter of Access to BG RCI studies for REACH purposes >>
InfoCenter Toxicological Evaluations
The following downloads inform briefly or at length about the “Programme for the Prevention of Health Hazards caused by Industrial substances”, the results, the experimental studies performed and the published Toxicological Evaluations.
General Introduction and Overview with detailed information about the "Programme"
List of substances with information about Toxicological Evaluations and experimental studies
List of substances
Synonyms of substances with Toxicological Evaluations (in alphabetical order)
You can reach the German-language version of the article with a single click on the flag-symbol.