Analytical method for the determination of wood dust

Translation of DGUV Information 213-541 (former BGI 505-41 or ZH1/120.41)

Method 02 – Gravimetry

Sampling is carried out with a pump thereby the dust being collected on a particle filter. Analysis is performed by gravimetry.

This method can be used to determine the mean concentration of wood dust in the air at workplaces over the sampling time. Sampling can be carried out with personal or stationary sampling systems.


A pump draws a defined volume of air through a particle filter. The mass of the deposited dust is determined by weighing the particle filter before and after sampling. In addition, the collected dust can be burned to ashes in order to determine the loss on calcination (optional).

Limit of quantification (LOQ)

Absolute: The absolute limit of quantification is between 0.45 and 4.5 mg for a sampling time of 8 hours, depending on the sampling system.

Relative: The relative limit of quantification is between 0.02 mg/m3 and 0.27 mg/m3 (based on an air sample volume of 32 m3 or 1.68 m3 respectively).


October 2006 

The complete measuring method is available in the Wiley Online Library: Method for the determination of wood dust (Air Monitoring Methods, Volume 13, 2012).

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